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7 things you need to know about student life in Malta

Discover the essentials of student life in Malta with our guide. Learn about the vibrant culture, diverse cuisine, excellent education, beautiful landscapes, welcoming community and more that make studying in Malta an enriching experience. Prepare for your academic journey with seven key insights.

Maltese student life is known across the globe thanks to Malta’s stunning landscape, rich cultural heritage and high-quality education, among many other key factors. Malta offers a unique study abroad experience that is hard to beat. But what is it like to studying in Malta? In this blog post, we will explore 7 things one needs to know about student life in Malta, from the local culture to the best places to hang out with friends — but let us start with some information about the island.

Malta is a small island country located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Italy and north of Libya. It consists of three main islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino. The total population of Malta is around 500,000, with the majority of the population living on the island of Malta.

“Malta is a jewel in the Mediterranean, where history and natural beauty intertwine, creating a captivating tapestry that enchants the senses.”

Malta has a rich history and cultural heritage, with evidence of human habitation on the islands dating back to around 5500 and 4500 years ago. Throughout its history, Malta has been controlled by several different ruling powers including the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Normans and the British.

Malta Qualification Framework Levels

Capital City Valletta
Population 500,000+
Size 316km²
Official Language Maltese and English
Currency Euro
National Anthem L-Innu Malti, with lyrics by Dun Karm Psalia and music by Robert Sammut
National Symbol The Maltese Cross

Today, Malta is a popular destination known for its beautiful beaches, rich history and warm climate. The country's economy is primarily driven by tourism, as well as financial services, manufacturing and technology. The official languages of Malta are Maltese and English and the country is a member of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Nations.

Explore Student Life in Malta

7 Things to Know About Maltese Student Life

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, offering a unique opportunity to explore a new country, meet new people and gain new perspectives. The Maltese islands are the perfect destination for anyone wishing to further their studies, no matter what level they seek. Malta is gaining popularity among international students for numerous reasons.

1. Malta for Multicultural Community & Diverse Student Population

With students from all over the world, Malta offers a multicultural environment that provides a wealth of benefits for students who want to study abroad. Studying in a multicultural community benefits students' academic and personal growth. It has many more benefits such as:

  • Exposure to Different Cultures: One of the biggest advantages of studying in a multicultural community is exposure to different cultures. Students from different countries bring their own customs, traditions and beliefs — creating a rich cultural exchange that broadens students' perspectives and understanding of the world. This exposure to diversity is particularly important in today's globalised world, where cross-cultural communication and understanding are essential for success.
  • Language Learning: Studying in a multicultural community can also provide opportunities for language learning. Students have the chance to practice and improve their language skills with native speakers, while also learning about the nuances of different languages and dialects. This can be an invaluable asset for students who want to pursue international careers or who simply want to improve their communication skills.
  • Enhanced Social Skills: A multicultural community can also enhance students' social skills. Interacting with people from different backgrounds can improve communication and interpersonal skills, as well as build empathy and understanding. This can be particularly beneficial for students who want to work in fields such as international business, diplomacy, or in the non-profit sector.
  • Career Opportunities: Studying in a multicultural community can also open new career opportunities. Exposure to different cultures and languages can make students more attractive to employers who value diversity and global experience. Students who have studied in a multicultural community may also have a better understanding of global markets and be better equipped to work in international settings.

In Malta, the diverse student population offers an ideal environment for studying in a multicultural community. For students, studying in Malta, it provides a rich cultural exchange that enhances their academic and personal growth. Students have the opportunity to learn from people of different nationalities, religions and cultures, creating a vibrant and dynamic community that fosters cross-cultural understanding and communication.

2. Student-Friendly Atmosphere: Expect a Warm Welcome

One of the key features that make Malta stand out as a study destination is its student-friendly atmosphere. Malta is renowned for its welcoming locals, who are known for their hospitality and friendliness towards visitors. The Maltese people have a proud history of welcoming outsiders and embracing their multicultural society. This welcoming attitude extends to the student population, making it easy for students to adapt to life on the island. There are many advantages of studying in Malta such as:

  • Safe and Supportive Environment: A student-friendly atmosphere creates a safe and supportive environment that can help students feel at home in a new country. Malta's low crime rate, coupled with its welcoming locals, means that students can feel safe and secure while studying abroad. Additionally, for students studying in Malta, the friendly and supportive atmosphere provides a sense of community that can help them adjust to a new culture and overcome homesickness.
  • Easy Integration: The student-friendly atmosphere makes studying in Malta easy for students and integrate into the local culture. Students can easily find local activities, events and groups that share their interests, enabling them to build connections and friendships with locals. This integration can help students learn more about the Maltese culture and way of life, enhancing their overall study abroad experience.
  • Affordable Living: Malta's student-friendly atmosphere also extends to the cost of living. Students can enjoy a high standard of living at an affordable cost while studying in Malta. Accommodation, food and transportation costs are generally lower than in other European countries, making it an ideal destination for budget-conscious students.
  • Networking Opportunities: Finally, studying in a student-friendly atmosphere can provide excellent networking opportunities. Students can connect with other students, professors and local professionals, creating valuable connections that can help them in their future careers.

The island's friendly locals, supportive community and affordable living make it an ideal destination for students from all over the world. Studying in such an environment can provide a range of benefits, including a safe and supportive environment, easy integration, affordable living and networking opportunities. For students who want to experience a new culture, learn new skills and broaden their horizons, Malta is an excellent choice.

3. Malta for Excellent Education: Top Destination for Students

Apart from its stunning beaches and rich history, Malta is also known for its excellent education system, making it an ideal destination for students seeking quality education abroad. Malta's education system is well-established and offers a comprehensive range of educational opportunities to students. The system consists of pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education. The country also has a strong focus on vocational education, with a variety of institutions offering courses and certifications in various fields. The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) regulates Malta's education system and ensures that all educational institutions meet the necessary quality standards. Here are some benefits of receiving a high-quality education in Malta:

  • Excellent Teaching Staff: Malta's education system offers several benefits to students seeking quality education abroad. Firstly, the country has a highly qualified and experienced teaching staff, which ensures that while studying in Malta students receive a high-quality education.
  • Numerous Courses: Secondly, Malta offers a range of degree courses that are internationally recognised, providing students with a competitive advantage in the global job market.
  • Affordable Study Cost: Students can receive a quality education at an affordable cost while studying in Malta, as Malta's tuition fees are lower compared to other European destinations.

Apart from the above benefits, Malta's education system also offers an immersive cultural experience. The island's rich history, vibrant culture and friendly locals create a unique atmosphere that fosters personal growth and cultural awareness. Students can also take advantage of various extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs and societies, which provide opportunities to meet new people and engage in a diverse range of activities.

Malta's excellent education system is one of the many reasons why it is a top destination for students seeking quality education abroad. The country's comprehensive range of educational opportunities, experienced teaching staff, affordable tuition fees and unique cultural experiences create an ideal learning environment that prepares students for success in their chosen fields.

4. English is the Official Language

Many international students are often concerned about facing a language barrier while studying abroad. However, this is not a problem for students studying in Malta. Since gaining independence from the British in 1964, English has been declared the official national language. English is widely spoken and considered the international language of business, making it easy for international students to seamlessly adapt to their new surroundings. As a result, Malta has become a popular destination for those looking to improve their English language skills. There are many benefits of it too, like:

  • Enhanced Learning: When students don't have to worry about language barriers, they can focus more on learning the course material and mastering the subject matter. This enhances their learning and comprehension abilities, leading to better academic results.
  • Cultural Immersion: Studying in a country with a different language can sometimes make it difficult to fully immerse oneself in the local culture. However, in Malta, international students can immerse themselves in the local culture without worrying about the language barrier. They can participate in cultural events, interact with locals and make friends easily.
  • Multicultural Exposure: Studying in Malta exposes students to a multicultural environment, where they can meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. This enhances Maltese students’ life, expanding their experience and broadening their perspectives, which becomes a valuable asset in today's globalised world.

5. Malta's Great Weather for Outdoor Activities and Exploration

Another advantage of studying in Malta is its great weather. Malta has a mild Mediterranean climate, with an average temperature of 10°C in winter and 27°C in summer. The island enjoys more than 300 days of sunshine per year, making it an ideal destination for students who want to enjoy a warm and sunny climate all year round. The mild climate also means that winters in Malta are not too cold, making it a perfect destination for comfortable student life in Malta. Let us look at the benefits of a pleasant climate for outdoor activities and exploring:

  • Outdoor Activities: The pleasant climate provides numerous benefits for students studying in Malta. One of the primary advantages is the ability to enjoy outdoor activities and explore the island's natural beauty. Students can spend their free time hiking, cycling, swimming and exploring the island's stunning beaches and rugged coastline. Malta's sunny weather also provides an ideal destination for water sports such as windsurfing, kayaking and diving.
  • Study Environment: Apart from outdoor activities, Malta's great weather also creates a pleasant and comfortable study environment. Students can study in outdoor cafes, parks and beaches, enjoying the sun and fresh air while they work on their assignments. The comfortable climate also makes it easier for students to adjust to their new surroundings and have a comfortable student life in Malta.

Malta's favourable climate is among the numerous factors that make it an ideal destination for delightful student life in Malta. The island's mild climate and sunny weather create a pleasant and comfortable environment for students to enjoy outdoor activities, explore the island's natural beauty and study in a relaxed and comfortable setting. For students looking for an international study destination with great weather, rich history, stunning beaches and a friendly local community, Malta is an excellent choice.

6. Extraordinary Culinary Scene

Malta’s unique cuisine reflects the island's rich history and cultural influences. Maltese cuisine is a fusion of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavours and it is known for its fresh ingredients and unique combination of sweet and savoury flavours.

One of the staples of Maltese cuisine is seafood. Being an island nation, Malta has access to some of the freshest seafood in the world, including swordfish, octopus and prawns. Other popular ingredients in Maltese cuisine include olives, tomatoes and a variety of herbs and spices.

  • One of the most famous Maltese dishes is the Pastizzi, a savoury pastry filled with ricotta cheese or peas.
  • Other popular dishes include rabbit stew, fish soup and grilled octopus.
  • Malta is also famous for its sweets, such as the traditional Figolli, an almond pastry shaped like Easter eggs.
  • The island also takes pride in Cannoli, a sweet ricotta-filled pastry.

Malta's food culture is deeply rooted in tradition and many of the recipes have been passed down through generations. The Maltese people take pride in their cuisine and often gather with friends and family to share meals and celebrate special occasions.

Trying the local cuisine is an essential part of the international study experience and Malta's delicious food is sure to impress students. With a blend of fresh ingredients, unique flavours and rich cultural history, Maltese cuisine is a must-try for serene Maltese student life.

7. Malta to Experience the Island's Rich Heritage & Diverse Cultural Events

The country has a unique cultural heritage that is influenced by its location at the crossroads of different civilisations. Malta's diverse cultural events showcase its rich heritage and provide a unique opportunity for visitors to experience the island's unique identity. The island has been inhabited since prehistoric times and over the centuries, it has been influenced by various cultures, including the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Knights of St. John and the British. Malta's cultural heritage is reflected in its architecture, cuisine, language and traditions. Malta's cultural events calendar is diverse and vibrant, reflecting the island's rich cultural heritage. The following are examples of cultural events that take place throughout the year:

  • Carnival: Maltese Carnival is a colourful and vibrant event that takes place in February. The event features parades, masquerades and parties that celebrate the island's culture and heritage.
  • Valletta International Baroque Festival: This festival takes place in January and features concerts, exhibitions and performances that showcase the island's unique baroque heritage.
  • Malta International Fireworks Festival: This festival takes place in April and features spectacular fireworks displays by international pyrotechnic teams.
  • Malta Arts Festival: This festival takes place in July and features performances, exhibitions and events that celebrate the island's arts and culture.
  • Notte Bianca: Notte Bianca takes place in October and features a night-long celebration of art, music and culture throughout the streets of Valletta.

These are just a few examples of the many cultural events that take place in Malta throughout the year. Each event offers a unique insight into the island's cultural heritage, providing a rich and immersive experience for a happening student life in Malta.

Malta's diverse cultural events showcase the island's rich heritage and provide a unique opportunity for students to experience the island's unique identity. The island's cultural calendar is packed with events that celebrate its history, traditions and arts, offering a unique experience for those studying in Malta and experience an enjoyable Maltese student life.

Start Student Life in Malta with GBS Malta

GBS Malta is a leading higher education provider, committed to “transforming lives through education” and providing students with an enriching and transformative educational experience. The institution offers specialised courses leading to internationally recognised degrees, such as undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in various fields such as business and marketing to name a few.

GBS HE Malta holds a licence as a Higher Education institution. The regulator, Malta Further & Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), has approved the institution's licence. The MFHEA is an international and independent authority that ensures transparency in higher education. GBS HE Malta's courses are designed in accordance with the Malta Qualifications Framework and the European Qualification Framework.

Students at GBS Malta can also take advantage of the “Malta Get Qualified Scheme”, which provides tax credits to help reduce the overall cost of their studies. This scheme is particularly advantageous for enjoying a fun student life in Malta with added value as it offers a 70% refund on tuition fees after graduation.

GBS Malta: Courses

GBS Malta provides a diverse selection of courses focused on marketing, management and business. These courses are crafted by incorporating the latest industry practices to improve students' employability and increase their career opportunities.

  • MA Marketing and Brand Management

    The master’s degree course in marketing and brand management offered by GBS Malta equips students with the necessary skills and practical experience required by organisations in a constantly changing business environment. Participants of this course develop into versatile marketing practitioners who possess a diverse range of skills and experience that can be applied in various marketing and brand management roles. The course enhances the theoretical and practical knowledge of students in marketing and brand management while also providing ample opportunities to build their professional networks. Students can gain exposure to diverse aspects of marketing and brand management during the course.
  • MA Business and Management

    In this master’s degree in business and management, students can expect to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of modern business and management in today’s rapidly changing, increasingly globalised world.

    This advanced course focuses on developing commercial acumen, knowledge and business and professional skills. Students receive interdisciplinary teaching and research support and ample opportunities to develop their business expertise, as well as practical and professional skills that are highly valued by modern businesses.

    Upon graduation, students will have acquired a postgraduate qualification that equips them with the skills to pursue careers as socially and ethically engaged, globally connected professionals, who are creative, enterprising, innovative and highly employable.
  • BA (Hons) Business and Management

    The BA (Hons) Business and Management course offered by GBS Malta creates a supportive learning environment that encourages creativity and innovation in students. It is an ideal course for those who aim to build a successful career in the field of business. Students can work on projects and choose from a range of options that align with their interests. The course offers professional recognition opportunities as well.

Throughout the course, students engage in contemporary discussions on managerial issues and acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in strategic management. The curriculum includes an international perspective that deepens understanding of the impact of globalisation on businesses, societies and the environment.

GBS Malta Campus: Enhances Maltese Student Life

Located in the lively and vibrant town of St. Julian's, the GBS Malta campus offers students a dynamic and exciting learning environment. With an abundance of cafes and shops in the area, students can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the town during their free time. The campus is situated in the heart of the town, which is a popular destination for students, offering a range of entertainment options to explore.

St. Julian's is an ideal location for students who are looking for a bustling and lively place to study, with excellent transport connections to the rest of the island. The campus is easily accessible by bus and there are regular services connecting it with the capital city of Valletta, which is just a short journey away. Valletta is home to a wealth of cultural and historical landmarks, including the stunning Grand Harbour, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

GBS's Malta campus provides a unique Maltese student life experience, with a lively and exciting environment that is full of entertainment options. With excellent transport connections to Valletta and the rest of the island, students can easily explore all that Malta has to offer while studying for their degrees.

In conclusion, GBS Malta offers a diverse range of courses across multiple disciplines, catering to the needs and interests of a wide variety of students. With a commitment to providing an exceptional learning experience, GBS Malta's courses are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen field. Located in the vibrant area of St. Julian's, students have access to excellent transport links and a wide range of amenities, making it an ideal location for studying and living an enjoyable Maltese student life. Whether students are looking to further their education, advance their career or simply broaden their horizons, GBS Malta has a course to suit their needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Maltese Student Life

Maltese student life can be described as vibrant and diverse. Malta is a small island country in the Mediterranean, with a rich history, beautiful beaches and a mild climate. The capital city of Valletta and the surrounding areas offer a range of cultural and entertainment options, including museums, theatres, art galleries, cinemas and festivals. The island is also known for its nightlife, with numerous bars, clubs and restaurants. Students can participate in a variety of sports and outdoor activities, such as hiking, swimming and water sports.

Malta has a vibrant student life, with many activities and events taking place throughout the year. Some popular activities to enhance Maltese student life include exploring the island's historical sites and natural beauty, attending festivals and concerts and participating in sports and outdoor activities.

There are several accommodation options for international students in Malta, including GBS Malta-managed accommodation. GBS Malta-managed accommodation can include campus hub residences, shared apartments and host family accommodation. To know more about accommodations, contact us.

Yes, Malta is considered a good place for students. It offers a range of educational opportunities that attract students from around the world. The country has a welcoming and multicultural environment, making it easy for international students to adapt and make friends.

The cost of living in Malta for international students can vary depending on their lifestyle and accommodation choices. The cost of living in Malta is generally lower than in other European countries. However, the cost can vary depending on location, lifestyle and accommodation choices. Students should budget for expenses such as accommodation, food, transportation and leisure activities.

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