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BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology

Students will graduate from this course with extensive and deep knowledge, understanding and competences in computer science and information technology principles, equipped with practical skills in software development, and an in-depth understanding of the latest technological advancements, ready to make significant contributions in the field of computing and IT.

Course overview

The BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology course provides students with a solid foundation in programming, computer systems, and software design. In the first year, students learn basic programming, study hardware, and explore algorithms, networking, and mathematics for computing. The Group Project allows practical, team-based application of skills.

In the second year, students enhance their programming expertise and delve into advanced topics such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data science. They explore operating systems, artificial intelligence, and software engineering principles to design large-scale systems.

In the final year, students undertake a significant Final Year Project, involving research, design, development, and testing. They also study user experience design, machine learning, AI, and DevOps principles, preparing them for cutting-edge software development. The course covers emerging technologies, equipping students with the knowledge and practical experience required for diverse careers in the computing and IT industries.

Intakes October/February/April
Duration 3 Years Full Time
Mode of Delivery Face to face and Online Learning
Awarding Institution GBS Malta
Awarded Qualification BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology
Level Comparable to Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) / European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Level 6
MQRIC Accredited Status Accredited
Locations Malta
Fees €6,000 per year

MQF Level 5 Year 1 Full Time

  • Programming 1
  • Fundamentals of Computer Systems
  • Algorithms and Software Design
  • Networking Technologies
  • Mathematics for Computing
  • Group Project

MQF Level 5 Year 2 Full Time

  • Programming 2 Advanced Programming
  • Secuity Systems Solutions and Practice
  • Cloud Technologies and Storage
  • Operating Systems
  • Data Science and Introduction to AI
  • Software Engineering and Design

MQF Level 6

  • User Experience Design Principles
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • DevOps and Cloud
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Final Year Project

Credits needed to earn the degree:

ECTS Credits UK Credits
60 ECTS/year 120 Credits/year

Assessment  will be through a range of different types of coursework. The range of coursework assessment will include: essays, case studies, Group and individual presentations, posters, team work, project proposal and project report.

Formative and summative approaches to assessment will be employed. Formative assessment tasks will be used in all modules and will be aimed at supporting students to understand and prepare for the module summative assessment requirements. In this way, students with different learning styles and abilities will be able to gain a good understanding of the summative assessment requirements and on their journey to submitting their summative assessments.

Assignment briefs will be produced for each of the summative assessments required by each of the modules on this programme. Assignment briefs will set out the learning outcomes being assessed, appropriate material, context, etc. for the assignment. Suggested reading  will include book chapters, published articles, weblinks to companies, and case studies, as appropraite, to the assignment brief. Each assignment brief will include marking/grading criteria so that participants have a clear understanding of what is required to pass the assessment and what is required to achieve higher grades. Grading of a participants assessment will be made using the pass, merit, distinction and fail criteria common to MQF/EQF Level 4 programmes of study.

Feedback will be provided to each student on their assessed work identifying both areas of strength and areas that could be improved. Where a fail grade is awarded the student will recieve detailed feedback on the reasons for awarding such a grade and the areas that would need to be addressed for improvement.

1. Programme and Module Assessment and Reassessment

A full set of assessment regulations together with terms of reference and constitution for the Assessment Board for the BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology, Undergraduate Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology and Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science and Information Technology will be produced before the start of the programme so that studnets, academic and professional services staff clearly understand requirements for passing modules, resubmission of assessed work and resits.

(a) Module Assessment and Reassessment

Students will have their summative assessed work marked on a percentage scale from 0% to 100%. A pass mark for a piece of assessed work will be set at 40%. Where a module has two assessment components each will be  given a percentage mark with the two (or more) marks combined according to the weighting given for each component in the module descriptor. A combined mark of 40% or more will be deemed a pass mark for the module overall. Where the combined mark fall below 40% the module will be failed. If a student is given, for example, a mark of between 35% and 39% for one assessment component and the other component achieves a mark which gives an overall mark of 40% or above the module will be regarded as passed. An assessment component mark of 34% or below cannot be used to compensate the overall module mark in such a manner.

If an assessment component of a module is given a mark of 34% or below the student would be entitled to reassessment in that component by resubmitting the assessed work addressed shortcomings identified by the tutor. Where an assessment component mark is between 35% and 39% and the module is passed overall the student would not be required to make a resubmission of that assessed work. Should a student fail a resubmitted assessment the student would be given one final chance to pass but be given a new assessment task.

(b) Award of BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology

To be awarded the BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology a student would normally have to pass all seventeen modules of the programme. The Assessment Board may compensate failure in one module where performance in other modules has been to at least a pass level, however, the final year 20 ECTS project/dissertation module cannot be compenstaed when failed.
Students will be awarded a classified degree as follows:

•    First class: Overall averaged mark across second year and final year modules of at least 70% with Level 6 modules weighted 60% and Level 5 modules 40%
•    Upper Second Class: Overall averaged mark across the second year and third year modules of between 50% and 59% with Level 6 modules weighted 60% and Level 5 modules 40%
•    Lower Second Class: Overall averaged mark across the second year and third year modules of between 50% and 59% with Level 6 modules weighted 60% and Level 5 modules 40%
•    Third Class: Overall averaged mark across the second year and third year modules of between 40% and 49% with Level 6 modules weighted 60% and Level 5 modules 40%.

(c) Award of Undergraduate Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology

To be awarded the Undergraduate Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology a student would normally have to pass all twelve Level 5 modules.The Assessment Board may compensate failure in one module where performance in other modules has been to at least a pass level.

(d) Award of Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science and Information Technology.

To be awarded the Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science and Information Technology a student would normally have to pass six Level 5 modules. The six modules would normally be those studied in the first year of the full time course of study, however, other Level 5 modules may be accepted to make up the six Level 5 module passes.

Assessment Boards will be held to consider student summative assessed marks, consider tutor module reports and feedback from external examiners. Individual assessment components and overall module marks will be released formally to students only after a meeting of the Assessment Board has approved marks for summative module assessments. Assessment Boards will also be responsible for making the overall award of the BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Information Technology degree as well as the undergraduate diploma and certificate.

English Language requirements: In addition, to be offered a place students would be required to meet English language requirements of a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 overall with no less than 6.0 in each component or equivalent English language abilities at this level. Prospective participants who do not initially meet these English language standards can take an English language course offered by GBS HE Malta to support participants  to meet this english language standard, generally within three months.

What doors will this open

An honours degree in computer science and information technology opens up a wide array of career opportunities in private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Some of the occupations that this programe prepares graduates with this degree for include the following:

  • Software Developer/Engineer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Network Administrator/Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • Cybersecurity Analyst/Engineer
  • IT Consultant
  • Web Developer/Designer
  • IT Project Manager
  • Data Scientist
  • Cloud Engineer
  • AI/Machine Learning Engineer

Why GBS?

– Industry experienced lecturers with excellent education and professional qualifications

– Simplified learning

– Personal attention to all learners

– Small classes

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