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Master of Business Administration

Introducing the pioneering MBA programme by GBS – a transformative journey designed to shape visionary leaders of the business world. With an array of five distinct pathways, this MBA offers unparalleled specialization options, catering to diverse ambitions and interests. 

MBA in Marketing Management
MBA Management Consulting
MBA Project Management
MBA Entrepreneurship 
MBA in Global Investment Banking

Course overview

This MBA with specialist pathways provides a rigorous, intellectually demanding and vocationally relevant programme of study in business and administration. It has been designed to develop high levels of transferable skills, analytic and critical appreciation and evaluation of theory and practice of management in the context of an international and global environment. The programme of study enhances participants' critical understanding of their knowledge, experience and strengths and how to deploy these to become effective managers in a range of different organisations.

All participants will take four core modules (10 ECTS each):

  • Global Strategies
  • Managerial Finance
  • Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
  • Applied Digital Marketing. 

Two modules are also taken reflecting the MBA pathway chosen. All participants take a major dissertation/project module (30 ECTS) on a topic related the pathway chosen.

The achievement of the MBA qualification will enable you to further enhance your career as a socially and ethically engaged, globally connected professional who is creative, enterprising and innovative.

Intakes February/May/October
Duration One year full time
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face learning
Awarding Institution GBS Malta & MFHEA
Awarded Qualification Master of Business Administration
Level Comparable to Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) / European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Level 7
MQRIC Accredited Status Recognised
Locations Malta
Fees €10,000 per year (Scholarship available*)

Get Qualified Scheme

GBS Malta is offering students access to the Malta Get Qualified Scheme, enabling students to benefit from tax credits that help lower overall study costs. This scheme is highly valuable, giving back 70% of tuition fees after graduation.

Credits needed to earn the degree:

ECTS Credits UK Credits
90 ECTS 180 Credits

This MBA includes the following Compulsory modules:

  • Global Strategies (10 ECTS)
  • Managerial Finance (10 ECTS)
  • Leadership and Organisational Behaviour (10 ECTS)
  • Applied Digital Marketing (10 ECTS)
  • Project/Dissertation (30 ECTS)

Each of the five pathways consists of two additional 10 ECTS modules which are pathway-specific:

MBA in Global Investment Banking: Mergers and Acquisitions; Advanced Corporate Finance
MBA in Marketing Management: Contemporary Issues and Practices in Marketing Ethics; Marketing Managment Practices
MBA Project Management: Procurement, Leading and Management of Project Teams; Executing, Controlling and Closing a Project
MBA Management Consulting: Managment and Practice of Consulting; Behavioural Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management
MBA Entrepreneurship: Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures; Entrepreneurial Finance

Assessment will be through a range of different types of coursework. Across the core and pathway modules of this programme the range of coursework assessment will include:

  • Essays
  • Case studies
  • Literature reviews
  • Individual reflective learning log
  • Portfolios
  • Group presentations
  • Critical reflection of group/team work
  • Posters
  • Project proposal
  • Project reports


Formative and summative approaches to assessment will be employed. Formative assessment tasks will be used in all modules and will be aimed at supporting participants to understand and prepare for the module summative assessment requirements. In this way, participants with different learning styles and abilities will be able to gain a good understanding of the summative assessment requirements and on their journey to submitting their summative assessments. 
Assignment briefs will be produced for each of the summative assessments required by each of the modules on this MBA programme. Assignment briefs will set out the learning outcomes being assessed, appropriate material, context, etc. for the assignment.

Suggested reading  will include book chapters, published articles and published research, weblinks to companies, and case studies, as appropriate, to the assignment brief. Each assignment brief will include marking/grading criteria so that participants have a clear understanding of what is required to pass the assessment and what is required to achieve higher grades. Grading of a participants assessment will be made using the pass, merit, distinction and fail criteria common to MQF/EQF Level 7 programmes of study.

Feedback will be provided to each participant on their assessed work identifying both areas of strength and areas that could be improved. Where a fail grade is awarded the participant will receive detailed feedback on the reasons for awarding such a grade and the areas that would need to be addressed for improvement. 

Generic learning outcomes:
The learner will be able to: 

  1. Understand and provide a critical evaluation different conceptual strategy frameworks and their application
  2. Identify a range of contemporary issues in global strategic management
  3. Describe and identify principles of corporate finance
  4. Identify and demonstrate a critical understanding of managerial finance and risk measurement
  5. Identify and and demonstrate a critical evaluation of theories of leadership and research on leadership
  6. Describe and provide  a critical analysis the importance of leadership for effective organisational functioning
  7. Understand and provide an analysis of digital marketing as a integrative management function
  8. Describe the idea of product life-cycle and and applications to organisational planning
  9. Understand and provide a critical analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods as applied to organisational management
  10. Describe, analyse and provide a critical analysis research findings and their relevance within the context of published research.

Skills learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and problem solving in management as applied to different types of organisations
  2. Demonstrate a high level of ability in decision-making using quantitative and qualitative research skills
  3. Show abilities in locating, extracting and summarising data from multiple sources to address problems and issues in management
  4. Apply accounting and finance terminology accurately and appropriately in a range of management and organisational settings
  5. Show how information technology can be applied  and used in management and appreciate limitations and shortcomings
  6. Apply a holistic approach to the analysis or organisations and challenging situations that may arise within organisations and require effective management
  7. Demonstrate and practice effective group and team working and the importance of inter-personal skills to successful outcomes
  8. h) Demonstrate time management skills, the ability to act independently in planning tasks and be able to arrange time and prioritise tasks
  9. Show effective communication in English language (written, spoken and comprehension)
  10. Demonstrate high level skills in the appreciation of published research, application of theories to management practice and critical literature reviews
  11. Practice and develop leadership, management and professional skills to be able to pursue a career in senior management.

To be offered a place to study on the MBA programme prospective participants would normally be required to to meet the following admissions criteria:

  1. Possess the equivalent of a good UK honours degree – normally equivalent to a 2:2 or above.
  2. Possess the equivalent of a UK degree below a 2:2 standard whilst being able to evidence an aptitude and/or relevant work/management experience to successfully complete the MBA programme of study.
  3. Possess appropriate professional body qualifications (for example, ACCA or CIMA) at a level equivalent to UK undergraduate degree.

Recognition of Prior Learning
Prospective participants with relevant work experience, for example, having been or are working in a junior or middle manager role would also be considered for recognition of prior learning. Evidence of in-company formal training, professional development through attendance at external courses/training, for example, would also be considered and could substitute for the admissions criteria given in (a), (b) or (c) above. Recognition of prior learning for entry to the MBA on a case-by-case basis with evidence required to be provided by the prospective participant.

English Language requirements

To be offered a place on this MBA, prospective participants would be required to meet English language requirements. Prospective participants who do not initially meet these English language standards can take an English language course offered by GBS HE Malta to support participants to meet this English language standard, generally within three months.

Below are the scores required for our programmes for each of the tests that we accept:

Test Overall Reading Listening Speaking Writing
IELTS Academic (in centre and Online) 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
TOEFL iBT (at test centre and Home/online) 60 8 7 16 18
PTE Level B2 (in centre and Home/online) 52 48 43 42 51
Duolingo (online) 105 95 95 95 95

*All test components taken within 2 years of start date

*English Language Proficiency Waiver- Applicants who have studied in a majority English-speaking country are exempted from submitting an English test score.

Other requirements
Commitment to study and achieve the MBA qualification in their chosen pathway.

What doors will this open

This MBA programme is designed to prepare you for a wide range of occupations in general management across all industry sectors and the international environment as well as employment in your chosen pathway.

Career paths after the course:
– Senior management roles in all sectors
– Management training
– Management consultancy
– Strategic roles in any context

Why GBS?

– Flexible study options

– Industry experienced lecturers with excellent education and professional qualifications

– Simplified learning

– Personal attention to all learners

– Small classes

– Free career development mentoring programme

– Connect with our very successful alumni

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