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Outdoor activities for Easter celebrations in Malta

The spirit of Easter fills Mata with excitement and enthusiasm. If you are in Malta during Easter, you'll see a lot of traditional and cultural activities. It's a great time to experience Easter celebrations in Malta.  

Easter is one of the most spectacular times in Malta. Maltese people celebrate it with numerous traditions and rituals. They have processions, pilgrimages, pageants, bell ringing and other events. Almost every town and village in Malta has something going on to mark Holy Week. Some villages even have dedicated drama groups that produce plays for Easter celebrations in Malta

Additionally, the weather is nice and warm during Easter and Malta has beautiful countryside and beaches. So, it's a perfect time to explore outdoor activities in Malta.  

Before Easter, there's a period called Lent (as per the Western Christian calendar), where people reflect and repent for 40 days. This sets the stage for Holy Week celebrations in Malta

In this blog, we will look at a few outdoor activities in Malta to celebrate Easter.  

Easter celebrations in Malta: Outdoor activities

Easter is a big deal in Malta. Even if you're not religious or follow a different faith, it's a great time to experience Maltese traditions and lifestyle. Let’s explore some outdoor activities for Easter celebrations in Malta.

1. Participate in Good Friday processions

On Good Friday during Holy Week, many towns and villages in Malta have solemn processions. One that's especially memorable is in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, near Siggiewi. Lots of individuals dressed as characters from the Bible walk slowly through the streets. Brass bands play sad music as they go. Behind them follow intricately carved statues showing the story of Jesus Christ's passion and death.

2. Witness an Easter Sunday celebration

On Easter Sunday, the sad feeling of Good Friday transforms into happiness all over Malta. Churches are open and there's a special mass. Bells chime happily. People carry statues of the Risen Christ in processions, which is a tradition that's been around for a long time. This happens every year in many places in Malta and Gozo. For example, in Cospicua and Qormi, men run with the statue to the church while others throw confetti from windows. It's a joyful moment to be a part of.

3. Soak up some sun

Because the weather is delightful during this time, it's great for having picnics and going for walks to explore the countryside. Malta and Gozo offer wonderful locations where you can enjoy nature and some quiet time. Whether you like hiking up hills or just relaxing in the sun, you'll love the weather in Malta this Easter.

4. Indulge in a culinary paradise

Besides the religious aspect of Easter, there's also delicious food to enjoy. People start making traditional treats early, like the delicious ‘kwarezimal’ (a honey and orange blossom treat), which you can find in stores weeks before Easter. On Good Friday in Malta, many people prefer vegetarian dishes, so they have options like ‘qaghaq tal-apostli’ (ring-shaped bread) and ‘sfinec’ fried doughballs with anchovies or olives.

On Easter Sunday, Malta also celebrates international traditions like Easter eggs and bunnies. But there's also a Maltese tradition called 'figolla', an almond pastry with icing on top. It's often shaped like a rabbit, lamb, fish, or heart. If you're in Malta during Easter, you should definitely try it! If you have family in Malta, they might be making figolla at home. If not, you can find it in sweet shops or ask local bakeries to try it.

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Frequently asked questions about outdoor activities in Malta to celebrate Easter

People in Malta celebrate Easter with a mix of religious traditions, cultural customs and family gatherings. Some common ways people celebrate Easter in Malta include attending church services, participating in processions, enjoying traditional Maltese meals, such as lamb dishes and figolli and spending time with family and friends.

Additionally, there are often festive events and activities held throughout the country, including outdoor concerts, street decorations and special Easter markets. 

Easter celebrations in Malta are vibrant in tradition, featuring religious ceremonies, festive processions, delicious food and time spent with loved ones. 

During Holy Week in Malta, you can indulge in various outdoor activities such as attending religious processions, exploring historical sites and scenic landscapes, enjoying picnics in parks or countryside areas, participating in nature walks or hikes and taking part in cultural events and festivals. 

Yes, there are several areas known for elaborate Easter celebrations in Malta. Some notable ones include the villages of Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Mosta and Rabat.

These areas are renowned for their grand processions, intricate decorations and traditional rituals that attract locals and tourists alike during the Easter season. 

To make the most of outdoor activities in Malta during Easter, consider attending traditional processions and festivities, exploring scenic countryside areas for picnics or hikes, visiting historical sites and landmarks, participating in cultural events or festivals and enjoying leisurely walks along the coastlines or through charming villages.

Additionally, engaging in water sports or beach activities can also enhance your Easter experience in Malta. 

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